Blog #1 only 364 to go. 5 kids in 5 years has been the greatest blessing bestowed upon our family. I have heard every comment and question possibly pondered about a family with children so close in age. The question I get asked the most is: "How do you manage?" and the comment I get the most is "You have your hands full."
Due to this I thought I might soothe everyone's curiosity just a bit as well as give myself an entire year on record. A year that I can look back on and know what we did everyday for a year. I'm starting out on August 23, 2010. There is absolutely no meaning to this day other than this is the day after I first decided to start this blog. So this is the first blog which means I have 364 blogs left to somehow squeeze into my day everyday for the next year.
Things I expect to include are: losing the baby weight. I had pretty much lost all my previous baby weight after I had my third (Jadzia). I could fit into my high school clothes again. Then I had my last two and the weight piled back on. Now I'm following the book "Body after Baby" and hopefully I'll lose the baby weight. Other things this year will be My first year homeschooling, Inara's first year ever and the inner details of how we manage to make it through a year with five kids that are five and under.
Here's the crew:

We have L

This is Xander- 4 years old: He is one tough little man with a huge appetite. The mere delay of a meal has him thinking we are in the midst of a severe famine. He refuses to tell me when he is hurt or sick and leaves me seeking out the details of his illnesses and injuries through observation alone. He is also a little stinker in the fact that he loves to goof off and give everyone a hard time. He can build unbelievable things with his legos and has been running around the house since he was eight months old.
Jadzia- two years old : The princess of the family. She was the only girl until her baby sister came into the picture two months ago. She is

the definition of a girl. She loves shoes and purses. She can almost
always be found twirling around the house in a tutu. Her favorite color is pink and she'll be sure to tell you her favorite letter is W.
She is obsessed with her upcoming birthday and wants to have a boat
party out on our local lake. She also wants everyone to know all her presents must be pink.
And here's Ronan- 14 months

Baby Inara- 2 months: She is the tiniest of the clan.

She just started smiling three weeks ago and does so non stop now. She also coos quite frequently and will respond just as if she was really carrying on a conversation. She is a very calm baby and is very patient with mommy. She has been sleeping through the night since she was about six weeks and has already gained 5lbs 3 oz since birth. She hates tummy time and diaper changes. She has finally warmed up to bath time and loves splashing in the water. She literally changes everyday.
So there they are, my babies. Time is something that: can never be turned back, slips away too quickly and hurtles us forward into unseen destinations. I am looking forward to this year with our family; so bring on the blessings!

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