Post# 8 only 357 to go.
About five and a half years ago I gave birth to my first baby. Shortly after he was born I started to imagine the future and as I looked on into what I thought would be forever away I envisioned driving up to a school, unbuckling my son from his booster seat and holding his hand as I walked him to his very first class, kindergarten. I saw him disappearing, with back pack over both shoulders, into a classroom full of other excited, anxious children. I saw myself crying and wishing I could freeze time so I wouldn't have to watch my child embark on the journey that would turn him into a big kid.
Part of me missed not having that image today since I had pictured it for so long. But if there is one thing motherhood has taught me and especially this last year or so life doesn't usually turn out the way we picture it but that doesn't mean it turns out bad either. Instead about January of this year I approached Isaac in a panic. "It's kindergarten round-up next week! We haven't even registered Landon yet!" Isaac calmly kept looking over the book he was reading "So why don't you homeschool him." "I didn't mean we couldn't send him to kindergarten. I just mean we need to get to it." He continued, "No, I'm serious why don't you homeschool him. I know you can do it. You already teach them everything anyway and now you can just schedule it better and get actual books."
From there I hit the books to do a lot of research, I went to a couple of "So you want to homeschool your kid" meetings. Finally when we had the entire Abeka kindergarten curriculum given to us I took it as a sign from God that's what we needed to do. I still doubted my ability though and debated back and forth but finally came to the conclusion I'd prayed enough, I'd done enough research and we are where are today. So no back pack, goodbyes, or full classrooms instead it's me and my little man and I have the privilege to embark on the journey along side him. I get to guide him to this next step in life more than I ever thought I would.

Jadzia was good and mainly colored or watched the boys do their assignments. Xander started his preschool and the highlight of his day was getting to color a gorilla. He's getting very good at cutting with scissors as well. Ronan played with his toys on the floor and Inara took a wonderful morning nap.
Now as for mommy this apparently was the week I forgot to turn on my brain. Much to Ronan's delight I left Ronan's glasses sitting in my mother in-law's car after the buddy walk therefor making it so she had to mail them back. Then on top of that I looked at the wrong date on the calendar and thought oh wow no therapy visits this week. Guess who rang the door bell promptly at 10:00 am? Yep, Ronan's PT. So just as I was trying to convince Landon his B's were improving I get up to get the door and there she stood bag in hand ready to tackle Ronan's exercises. I have to admit though the timing was ok because at the level Landon was upset at himself I new a break would be good. I put him on Starfall and went to work with the Physical therapist. I'm starting to learn to expect the unexpected and be ready to launch across the room, clean throw up, and handle unexpected visitors without warning.

After the hour the therapist was here I worked a little more on phonics with Landon then it was time for lunch. We had lunch and then music time which I think I'm going to alternate with art day and science project day. I think we are really going to get our hands dirty and have a whole lot of fun. A few things I already have planned are: growing their own bean plant, getting them real water colors and canvases and letting them go to town, caterpillar project, field trips to the zoo and pumpkin patch, cookie baking to learn measurements, Library day once a week and a garden once spring comes.

After music time it was nap time for the big kids and Inara. Ronan and I hit the road to get to his Endocrinlogy appointment. I always get nervous going to this appointment because it's in the children's hospital which is attached to a large hospital. The clinic isn't very lenient when it comes to people being late and since this is the only pediatric endocrinologist around I really need to stay in their good graces. Fortunately my paranoia paid off and we made it with 15 minutes to spare. I was prepared to wait because last time I waited four hours just to see the doctor but to my surprise we saw the doctor in under 15 minutes.

Now a little shout out to those wonderful nurses. Every time Ronan gets his blood drawn anywhere we go they stick him upward of ten times. IVs are always put in his head, when he was in the NICU he had his PICC line in one side of his head and IV in the other. These Endocrinology nurses have gotten his blood drawn with the first stick, very quickly, every time we've gone and he barely cries. I seriously want to hire them to follow Ronan around.
We will get the call tomorrow with the results. One of two things will happen. I will get a call from the nurse which will mean good news and Ronan does not have hypothyroidism and can go back to his yearly checks or Dr. Sieler will call which means bad news and Ronan will be put on a medication for the rest of his life to control low thyroid production. This will also mean the difference between many more trips to the endocrinologist or getting to remove one doctor from his list of many.
After correctly locating the right dates on my calendar I realized we have an appointment every day this week. All for poor Mr. Ronan. Tomorrow is his 15 month check-up where he will get his shots and tests for various, possible issues. Wednesday is private Physical therapy and a nutrition appointment to address his unique eating issues, Thursday is ear mold day because his little ears grow more than I actual ever thought they did, Friday he gets fitted for custom foot braces that will arrive two weeks from then.
I have to actually turn my attention to my own text books now so I better quit slacking and get to work. Goodnight all!
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