So mama went to work. A lot of shout ( the stain remover not the vocal level), scrubbing and another run through the wash and presto the shirt was like new! ok to be absolutely honest there are tiny specks here and there but they can only be seen if you stare really hard. Main thing is the husband is happy again and my guilt is soothed.
Putting all laundry adventures aside the notable event of the day is I began college again. My eventual goal will most likely be to become an ultrasound technician but this will have to be fulfilled once the kids are older. I want a career so that if Isaac was unable to work for whatever reason I would have a good job that could support our family. Plus the benefit of broadening my horizons and developing skills seems appealing to me.
My dad once gave me the illustration of a man who is spinning plates at a circus. He keeps adding more and more plates and everyone is watching him to see how many more plates he can handle before they all tumble and crash. I felt like that man today, overwhelmed at the now mountainous load of work I have to get done. My husband came to my rescue. He helped to stabilize my spinning plates. He is going to embark with me on a journey of organizing our house. Tomorrow will be a big day and hopefully we can get it all done. I have much more confidence now that I won't be alone. You gotta love a helpful man especially when the reason he helps is just because he loves you.
Now about the kids... I was negligent in taking proper pictures today mainly due to trying to get school figured out and the laundry crisis. Xander built an awesome lego ship that would have made a perfect picture but I got distracted and forgot to show off his brilliant lego building skills. so instead I took this picture:

I know there is a lack of pictures tonight but that's all she wrote I guess. This was the basics of our day. Now my thoughts and efforts must return to school where tonight I have to somehow figure out how to take my emotions out of moral dilemmas and stay impartial which is something I find very difficult. Until tomorrow goodnight.
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