Saturday, August 28, 2010

Buddy Walk and Build a Frog

We came out in the masses. We came to walk for awareness and acceptance and to rid the world of ignorance. This was the large scale goal and desire of the Buddy Walk. Personally our family walked for one very important little man, our Ronan. I felt the walk was important not only to raise money for Gigi's playhouse (our local Down Syndrome Awareness center) but also to educate people on the true reality of Down Syndrome.

Ronan's team name was Ronan's Trek and included: Daddy (daddy had to work at the last minute), mommy, Both Grandma Fullmer and Grandma Spencer, Landon, Xander, Jadzia, Inara, Aunt Alana, Caleb and Hannah. We painted the shirts with his team name, the person's relationship to Ronan and their name, the footprints on the back were traced from Ronan's actual footprints.

Lunch was provided and Ronan liked the cookies most of all. They also had games and actvities for the kids. The favorite was face painting. Landon was a polar bear, Xander told the lady "I want to be a gorilla, that means my face needs to be all black", Caleb was spiderman, Jadzia and Hannah were butterflies and Ronan was a teddy bear. As for Inara we'll just have to wait until next year.

The kids were pretty wore out from the walk and other excitement that they took excellent naps. This gave me time to go grocery shopping with my mom. We picked up dinner and my brother and his family came over again. After dinner I realized Jadzia's birthday build a bear coupon had arrived early so her and I took off to get her yearly animal. She was so excited when we got there she just stood looking in the window yelling "Froggy! Froggy!" Can you guess which one she picked?
I asked her what she wanted to name him and of course it was "Froggy". They gave her a smaller frog for free which she promptly named "Little Froggy".

I'm wondering if my dryer read all the laundry talk in my blog yesterday and decided it really was working too hard because not an hour after I wrote yesterday's blog my dryer made a horrendous sound and fizzled out. Fortunately it is under warranty but they can't come repair it until Wednesday. Until then we must conserve our clothes carefully. I'm exhausted from this full day so I'm off to meet my pillow.

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