Wednesday, August 25, 2010

McDonalds and a diet?!?

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Yes, McDonalds and a diet are really not compatible in the same sentence unless the usage coincides with the termination of said diet. However those two words were the highlights of our day.

I started the day off with procrastination which led me to the point I was hurtling myself and Ronan out the door with less than a minute to go until his weekly Physical therapy session. Part of this was because of the fact I started my diet and I was really not used to actually making myself breakfast. Usually I munch on whatever while I fed all my babies. The thought of actually cooking something for just myself was a distant memory.
With that being said I am on this diet:And here it is.... I debated putting this in but I figured I must. Here is my before picture, the after five babies picture. On this diet it is supposed to help you lose a good portion of your baby weight in 30 days. This is not a crash diet . It is designed specifically for nursing mothers (it has an alteration for non nursing mothers as well). But this is a very high nutrient diet and uses super foods to give you more energy and help you lose weight by maintaining all your baby's dietary needs as well. I have to say I have not felt hungry at all today and I like it because I know exactly what I need to eat so no calorie counting involved. 30 days from now is Jadzia's birthday so that is my goal to fit in my pre-Inara pants by Jadzia's birthday. If we can keep it up maybe by the end of this year I can be in my pre-every baby pants.
Today being the day I started my diet meant it was probably a bad day to go to fast food. I was very good though and ate my lunch at home and just took the kids for a treat. We rarely eat out but around here there is $2 happy meals on Wednesdays and Mc Donalds was giving out little Madame Alexander dolls for the girl prize. Jadzia had gotten the Alice in wonderland one from when she was at her grandparent's and she really wanted the little red riding hood doll. So we took the kids and I figured I'd buy her a couple more. It turned out the dolls were cheaper on Wednesdays too so we got her the entire set for $6. The boys were also happy to get some batman toys out of the deal. While we were there we ran into my sister in-law, niece and nephew. The kids had a fun time playing on the playset with their cousins.
In Inara news she has officially become anti-tummy time. Every time I put her on her tummy within a minute she rolls over. She is also becoming quite vocal and will respond to your voice as though she's having a conversation with you. She also has just begun to realize she can vary the volume level of her coos.

Ronan received something new. He got his abdominal wrap that helps give him extra tummy muscles. This will help his back not dip when he crawls. I think it has also been helping him when he pulls himself to stand.
Tomorrow's agenda: Ronan's hearing teacher comes way to early at 8:00 am which is an hour I don't function well before. Then his OT (Occupational therapist arrives at 11:30). The big thing though is it's my first day back to college. I'm attending college full time online and starting day is tomorrow. So now I'm off to do a quick organization of the house which will probably involve a lot of putting things in places
that the therapists never go.

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