Tuesday is Ronan's therapy day. Two hours with three pretty ladies having all their attention focused completely on him. I can see why he just wants hugs and no therapy. In fact Ronan is notorious amongst his therapists as using hugs as a means to distract them from therapy goals. I was noticing during his therapy how long his hair was getting and he had a cowlick that just wouldn't stay combed down. This called for daddy to get out the scissors and snip away at Ronan's hair.

Tonight was pile on Daddy night. The kids were craving Daddy's attention so when he laid on the couch they all piled around him and I of course had to snap a picture of this perfect moment. Ronan was a little sad when it came time for Daddy to put him down. He collapsed on the floor with a pout. This is him protesting daddy's departure.

On the happy side of Ronan's life he figured out how to climb up on the couch. Now he sits very proudly on the couch at his choosing. He is also an expert at getting down off of the couch and all of this makes him feel like a very big boy.

Inara is edging ever so close to toddlerhood. With toddlerhood comes many new emotions that bring on laughter and temper tantrums. I thought I would show you the many emotions of Inara Fullmer. These all took place over the course of about ten minutes and in the order I'm about to show you. First is Shock and disgust.

Followed by denial.

Third is anger.

Fourth is full out despair.

Fifth brings us to content.

Then happiness.

And finally pure joy.

Xander is the baby hauler. He carries the babies where they need to go. he protects them by pulling them away from anything he perceives as dangerous. The child is 35lbs yet he can effortlessly carry his 23lb baby brother and 19lb baby sister. The kid has some stamina. He said something sweet today that showed his selflessness. He told me he wishes he could give Ronan his ears so that Ronan could hear better.

Another funny thing he did tonight was take a drawer out of the toy drawers then he crawled inside proclaiming himself the biggest toy of all.

Here is one of Jadzia's many talents.

Here is her most successful talent to date...

Wrapping daddy around her little finger.

I know this blog is extensive tonight but sometimes it's hard to squash the day's highlights into a single blog. Just as there are other dulldrum days where writing one sentence is a stretch. But today is bursting with simple joys and I had to share one more thing. This is Landon's Icecream stomach freeze face. He does not get brain freeze according to him he gets severe stomach freeze that causes him to pause in place unable to move for several minutes. Maybe I should let him have icecream more often...
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