Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Staying Ahead

I had been told by many that summer classes are much more grueling and challenging than Fall and Spring. This is because you have around 4 less weeks to complete the exact same courses. Everything is crammed in. I'm finding this to be true with my Human Biology class. The professor jumps from one term to the next without stopping for the entire three hour class. I'm grateful I took Biology 1 this Spring because if it were not for that class I would be sadly lost. All the terms my new professor is going over instantly click because they were throughly explained in Bio 1.

Looking over the syllabus to all my classes the work load scared me so today I determined I would get ahead as much as possible. I set out a list of all I wanted to have done today for school. Most of it I got accomplished. This morning I got to sleep in. Normally Tuesdays are Ronan's therapy days. But my dad was supposed to have surgery today and I had cancelled. Then his surgery got cancelled which meant I cancelled therapy for no reason. It ended up being ok and gave Ronan a little break.

This also gave me more time to focus on the homework list. Above is Inara being silly. She loves to hang her head upside down and giggle. The other half of my day was spent with the two smallest members of my team. We played with Ronan's new ball popper which I think reminds him of therapy too much. When the balls pop up he will grab one and then crawl as quickly away from the device as possible. Inara on the other hand loves to put the balls in and then push the button and repeat the entire process. Honestly if Ronan had not come across this toy in therapy he'd probably be enjoying it just as much. He tends to be against anything people are forcing him to do.

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