8:30 this morning we had people knocking on our door. They were expected but early. The three oldest still hadn't emerged from their beds. There were three people at our front door waiting to take measurements and scan for lead. Our house has already been confirmed to be stocked full of lead this is just the next step towards removing the lead. They have scheduled an open house for June 7th in which a bunch of contractors will come in to place bids on replacing everything that contains lead. Some of which includes the windows, doors and frames, the porch and garage.

Isaac could technically do all of this himself but one he doesn't have time and two he is not lead certified. The renovation on the house will take 3-6 weeks. We can't be present during this time. We will be having an extended stay at the Marriott. They have suites that mimic small apartments and we will do our best to make it our little home. The work will most likely take place in July.

The worse part will be that we have to move everything we own out of the house and into storage pods. Packing up is going to start soon. All the non essentials into boxes and hopefully it won't be completely overwhelming when the time comes to have everything out. A benefit to this will be that we can do a complete and total scrub down of the house once everything is out. I feel overwhelmed thinking about all of it so for now I'm just going to do a little at a time.

Landon got some time out with Grandma and Grandpa Spencer today. They went to the store and he got to look in the toy aisle. He told them all the toys that would make ideal Christmas presents. The boy plans ahead.

Ronan seems to be having esophagus trouble again already. He is coughing and making raspy sounds when breathing. I called his GI doctor after a particularly bad episode. His doctor told me to watch him close and if he can't eat very well then he'll probably be admitted back into the hospital. If we can get him by until Monday he wants me to call him on Monday with a status update. He said if Ronan's esophagus has collapsed already then we have bigger issues but he didn't elaborate as to what that would mean.

After talking to the GI doctor I got a call from his eye doctor. They wanted a copy of all his surgery records. I had to run to both big hospitals to sign releases for Ronan's records. They are still trying to determine where he can have his eye surgery. His pediatrician is out of the country so she can't make the determination currently.

We took a break from all the house and medical stuff for dinner when my family came over for dinner. My sister in-law made Alfredo and we had Strawberry shortcake for dessert. It was nice to have some family time.
Can I ask why you are messing with the lead? Do you own your home? My husband is Lead certified and says that undisturbed lead paint will not hurt anyone. Have your kids tested positive for lead?