I came across one of the sweetest scenes this morning. Landon had put his baby sister on his lap and was reading her a story. They were snuggled up so cute and Inara was listening intently to the story. I was happy to freeze the moment in time.

Today Inara is 11 months old. My tiniest baby is going to be a one year old in a month. I find this unbelievable and I feel a bit nostalgic thinking about the little baby I brought home almost a year ago. I always found holding her irresistible and she attached herself to me as though we were both firmly stuck in cement. She is on the verge of walking. She can drink from a cup all by herself and is getting table food eating down pat. She is also becoming a professional climber without fear. She will climb on something about one stair high and then do a little dance showing no regard for potential toppling.

Ronan had an ENT appointment today. His doctor wanted to make sure his throat was doing ok after his bread incident. We talked about tonsils and he won't take them out until Ronan reaches 4 or 5. That means 2-3 more years on night oxygen. He's doing great since his surgery yesterday. You would not even surmise that he had a procedure done yesterday.

For dinner we had waffles and as a special treat I let the kids have whip cream on top. For fun I gave the boys whip cream beards. I offered Jadzia her fair shot at whip cream facial hair but she declined. She stated something about princesses not having beards. Upon giving them the beards me and the boys all burst into laughter. Between laughing tears Xander gasped "This is the most delicious beard I've had the pleasure of growing."
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