Around 1:30 am last night I awoke to Ronan's machine beeping. Usually the beeping indicates a false alarm ( the sensor fell off or is loose, or he's moving around too much). I checked his machine, the green bar was steady and he was completely still. I reapplied his sensor and his machine still read 83% oxygen level. I got a new sensor and it read the same. I turned on the lights and he was retracting a little so I woke him up and gave him a breathing treatment and suctioned his nose out. For the first 15 minutes after the treatment he was stating in the low 90s so I decided we'd just watch him for awhile, about 20 or so minutes his level dipped to high 80s.

By the half an hour mark he was low 80s again. I decided he'd have to go in. I got him dressed and we headed over to the hospital. I'm grateful God gave us a home so close to the hospital. We live about five minutes from there. We arrived in the ER and I explained he was having an asthma attack. The nurse watched his breathing and we skipped triage. They ran him back and had people waiting (This is not unusual with Ronan).

He was stating mid to high 80s so they gave him a longer treatment and cleaned his very clogged nose. Finally his oxygen climbed to 100 and we were able to go home. We crawled back into bed around 5:00 am with Ronan's pulse -ox once again reading in the high 90s. I'm going to talk to his Pulmonologist about being able to give him the extra long treatments like they do in the ER so maybe we can avoid the ER more.

Inara has been reaching into her toy cookie jar all morning and grabbing the toy blocks that are inside. This was another milestone I took for granted before I had Ronan. Apparently it is a huge developmental milestone for a baby to realize they can reach inside a container and pull an object out. I now know container play is very vital to a baby's development and Inara has picked up the concept pretty quickly.

W. This is Jadzia's favorite letter and it is the first letter she learned how to write. My only guess as to why is that she likes the way it sounds. But she is obsessed with the letter W. Each of the kids got a new tote to put all their smaller toys in and we went to write their names on them. Jadzia loudly proclaimed she wanted a W on her tote. I joked with her and said "Maybe we should have called you Wendy or Willow so your name could start with a W." She responded "No should have named me Jadzia W." So that's what her tote reads "Jadzia W". She is very proud of it.
Wow that is scary about Ronans Oxygen level that is definately great you live so close. Closest hospital to us is 15 minutes and its what i call a bandaid station. I'd probably call an ambulance before i'd take my kids to one of the smaller hospitals.That is cute about the letter "W", girl knows what she likes!