Inara is a happy baby and most of the time she gets so excited and happy she gets the cutest, most goofy baby grins.

She has also begun an amusing new game. She undeniably loves to look at herself in the mirror. Upon seeing her reflection her eyes go wide with excitement, her arms move frantically trying to make contact with the baby in the mirror. Then in a simple, swift movement she plants a kiss right on the glass of the mirror. After reinforcing her love for herself she starts cooing and babbling in a desperate attempt to have communication with herself. The whole display is one of the cutest things I've seen.

The majority of my morning was spent trying to coordinate appointments for Ronan. He now has something everyday but Friday next week. The Endocrinology clinic did call me early this morning. They want to see Ronan tomorrow morning. I was surprised at the urgency because last time they made him wait a month or two to get in. I know hypothyroidism in children can cause some serious complications so I'm thinking that's why they want to get it take care of right away. As far as I know he still doesn't officially have the diagnosis of hypothyroidism. I'm unsure if they will give him that diagnosis tomorrow or if they will continue to test his blood to see if really does have it. All I do know is that if they diagnosis him with it and start him on medication that it will be a lifelong diagnosis and lifelong medication.

Next week will be a busy week. Monday we'll get the sleep results along with a PT visit. Tuesday will be a dermatology appointment with the hopes they can get rid of the dry skin and he won't be so itchy anymore. Wednesday will be Pulmonolgy and ENT and Thursday he has OT and a developmental evaluation.
On one more note I would like to ask prayer for the friend I talked about in my blog a couple nights back. She just had her baby yesterday at 25 weeks. He is 1lb 8 oz and I'm sure mama, baby and family would appreciate prayers. Thank you.
I'll keep everyone informed about all of Ronan's appointments next week.
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