Today Ronan had two appointments. The first was Pulmonology and the second was ENT. As I said yesterday that I loved the Dermatologist because they get us through appointments quickly; I love Ronan's Pulmonologist for the opposite reason. Ronan's Pulmonologist is thorough and listens carefully to everything I say. Seeing as breathing is vital to living I greatly value Ronan's Pulmonologist Dr. Sheets. When we arrived he asked if I could wait a little extra so he could finish with his last patient so he could then devote an hour and a half to talk about Ronan's needs.

Dr. Sheets reviewed Ronan's sleep study. He wants us to try hard to get the CPAP to work because it will help not only Ronan's oxygen levels but his CO2 problem as well. Dr. Sheets said the oxygen would make it hard to monitor what Ronan's CO2 levels were doing to him and he could go into distress faster and harder. He also noticed Ronan had developed contact eczema on his face in the shape of the mask so he gave me some tips to help with that. He modified Ronan's medications a little and wants to see him in three months. Dr. Sheets wants to see him again in three months not because Ronan won't need him before then but he wants us to avoid doctor's office bugs. He wants us to do a lot of over the phone discussions if we can since we're going into the worst part of the year for respiratory illnesses. He joked about wrapping Ronan in cellophane and making him a bubble boy.

We made a quick run home so I could feed Ronan lunch and nurse Inara then it was ENT time. The ENT believes that due to Ronan's age and medical status that tonsil removal is much too risky. He checked Ronan's ears and determined his ear tubes had fallen out and Ronan once again had fluid build up which would impede his hearing even more. Since he needs another set of tubes while he is under he will also remove his adenoids. The adenoid removal should help slightly with the airway issue. Ronan's tonsils are large and do need removed but can't be removed until he is at least two if not three.
The surgery scheduler called over to the hospital to request more time so they could get Ronan in sooner but the hospital denied her request. Since they have to give Ronan an x-ray to ensure his neck won't snap during surgery the have to coordinate with radiology. After the surgery Ronan will be monitored for 24-48 hours depending on how he does. Both procedures are usually out patient but because of his medical conditions they want to watch him close. The tentative date is January 24th.
The big kids had Christmas program practice tonight and I found out I do have to make their costumes. This should be interesting. I need to get creative and come up with a wise man, camel and sheep costume.
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