Meet "Growie"(he's the little green one sitting in the pot).

He is the only lima bean plant that we managed to grow. Not sure if anyone remembers Landon's science project attempt a couple of months back. We couldn't locate a Venus Fly Trap so I thought we would try to compensate with Lima bean plants. Landon's, Xander's and Ronan's never revealed so much as a sprout.
Landon decided he didn't care about his lifeless lima bean seed for two reasons. #1. Lima bean plants don't do anything, they don't have conversations, they don't eat flying insects and the most exciting aspect is watching the dirt soak up water. #2.Lima bean plants only grow for girls. He now thinks only girls can grow Lima bean plants and this was further confirmed by the fact his cousin Hannah's grew but not cousin Caleb's.

I am no longer shocked by the things my husband says or comes up with. One benefit of this is there is never a shortage of laughter. If you are lacking a sense of humor you will not survive around my husband. His latest antics involve walking around in public with a cane. He has wanted a cane for as long as I've known him because it used to symbolize high status. Finally yesterday he picked one up because the store he went to was willing to give him 30% off because of a nick in the top of the cane. If anyone asks what he did to need a cane he simply replies he has "Houseitis". I'll leave that to all of you to figure out because you'll either get it or you won't.

Jadzia's favorite story of all time is little red riding hood. I wasn't think about that when I put her new hoodie outfit on her this morning. The rest of the day was Jadzia trying to convince everyone to play little red riding hood. She of course was the title character, Xander was the big bad wolf, Landon was the woodsmen and I got to be Grandma. After the fifth reenactment Jadzia unexpectedly and disappointingly recieved protest on a sixth performance.

Inara has begun Ronan's favorite game, baby Raspberries. She is hilarious. Everything will be quiet and all of a sudden you hear her let out a huge raspberry and then a giggle. She is a very positive person and humor comes natural to her. Her and Isaac are going to get along great.
OH goodness your family is funny, your husband esspecially. Sounds like there is never a dull moment around your house! LOL