The happenings and mishaps of the Fullmer Family and the blessings we discover along the way. 365 posts in 365 days.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Sibling Annoyance (All out of Love).
Today I completed my very last exam for the semester. With 12 more credits under my belt I'm one step closer to completing my Ultrasound technician degree. This also means I will have more free time in the next four weeks which I plan to utilize by writing more in my book. I want to have the book I am writing complete before I complete the challenge I set-up with this blog. Which means I need to have my book complete before mid-August.I have two little babies. They are one year and two weeks apart and they are quickly becoming best friends. Before Inara used her jumparoo she was in her bouncy seat alot. Ronan would climb over to her bouncy seat and then proceed to give her love scratches. Inara wasn't too fond of this practice.Next their relationship became a game of how many toys Ronan could steal from Inara before mommy would notice and give them all back to Inara. I kept warning Ronan that he should stop because one day not too far off Inara will be able to tackle him for taking her toys but he has yet to follow my advice so the rivalry continues. Now the new game of Ronan's is crawling over to Inara while she is in the jumparoo and then standing and putting his weight on the side. By doing this he causes too much weight on the jumparoo and Inara is unable to bounce. She finds this annoying and freely shares this opinion with Ronan.But that's ok because when it comes down to it they really love each other and I think after all the sibling rivalry is said and done they will be there for each other when it really matters.Besides Ronan has just learned sibling annoyance from the best of them because he very often gets carried around the house like this.When I became a parent I was completely oblivious to the fact that one of my most used parenting phrases would be "Quit carrying your brother like he's a sack of potatoes.".
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