The happenings and mishaps of the Fullmer Family and the blessings we discover along the way. 365 posts in 365 days.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Christmas Tree Mouse.
Today began very, very bad, for my hand at least. As I type this story I do so with both amusement and horror. I knew I had to be out the door by 8:45 this morning and I wanted to get the house work caught up. I have locked into my long term memory bank that when picking up items off the floor it is a good idea to turn the light on rather than relying solely on the dim light of sunrise. There was a tote full of ornaments waiting for the kids to decorate the tree. I bent down because I saw what I thought was a piece of an ornament that had fallen out of the box but as soon as I went to grab it it moved. I let out a scream and jumped back. Uggg I'd touched a mouse!!! Xander and Jadzia stood starring at me with blank expressions as though they'd just realized their mother had lost it."Why are you screaming like that, mommy." Xander sounded slightly annoyed I preferred that to me having scared him. "Mommy accidentally touched the mouse." He put on his mean face, "Where is the mouse, Mom. I will be your hero. I will defeat the mouse." "No don't touch it!" I then proceeded to scrub my hand about ten times. I sprayed clorax anywhere spray on it and let the stuff sit for 2x the amount of time the instructions required. After that I washed my hand again and put hand sanitizer on it. The mouse came to rest by our Christmas tree in our little manger scene right next to Joseph. He apparently had been dying and his new residency is now our trash can out back. After my adrenline died down and I was convinced any and all germs were thoroughly scorched and removed from my hand I got the kids ready for the day. Ronan and I left for his Dermatology appointment. The poor boy has the worst case of dry skin I have seen in my life and that is topped off with horrible eczema. I have tried everything imaginable and have utilized resources and tips from everywhere. Nothing has worked and the boy is constantly scratching and miserable. We were at the dermatologist with him a few months back and she had put him on a regimen of washes and creams. I love going to the dermatologist because they get the appointment done quickly. Turns out he has Atopic Dermatitis topped with eczema and both are pretty bad cases. He now has an intense skin therapy regimen. He is to get a bath every night (I had been limiting baths to two to three times a week because I had been told frequent baths would worsen eczema). But for the treatment he needs a bath every night. He uses a special body wash and special shampoo. After a quick wash I dry him off completely and apply two separate steroid creams. One is for his body and the other for his face. Then he has a prescription foam that goes on his scalp. After all of that is done I lock all of it in with a super sensitive moisturizing cream. I completed all the steps tonight and I noticed a difference already. His skin is much softer and the red, dryness on his cheeks has started to subside. The biggest thing was when I was changing him he was no longer scratching. I hope we finally found something that works.As I pulled in the driveway so did my in-laws and Landon. Landon ran up to me and gave me a huge hug and told me how much he missed me. I loved having my boy back. We had Christmas with my in-laws today. They spoiled the kids with lots of presents. They each got an item they wanted on their Christmas lists and some clothes. My kids love clothes almost as much as toys. Grandma also brought lots of goodies which they enjoyed as well.After Grandpa and Grandma left it was time to decorate the Christmas tree. I let the kids do whatever they wanted and only helped when asked. The tree is completely a child decorated tree and that makes it the best there is. The garland is crinkled up with all of it sitting in one spot and the tree is leaning slightly forward due to the unbalance of ornaments placed mainly to the front of the tree. But I find it to be beautiful. The day was topped off with Grandma and Grandpa Spencer taking the three big kids to see the big park lights display. The kids wore pajamas and slippers as they drove past the park lights. They got giant star cookies and hot chocolate. Tonight when I was tucking them all in they couldn't believe their luck, that all of this had happened today and we hadn't even gotten to Christmas day yet. We're in for a great Christmas this year.
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