Back in the hotel I had the babies all to myself. Inara is stacking lego blocks now. She builds little towers and then Ronan knocks them over. She is getting smart about it because she figured out she should use the lego platform to build off of rather than the ground. I'm sure watching older siblings has helped. Below is step by step of her building her tower.
Today when Ronan's therapist came over she continued saying "Bad Bad" to anything she couldn't touch. When I told her she couldn't touch the therapist's purse she pointed at it and said "Bad Bad". The therapist got a kick out of her sweet little voice talking so clearly. At one point Inara tried to leave the room and said "Bye bye" as she waved happily. I looked at her and said "No, bye bye." She got a huge grin stepped back in the room and said to both the therapist and I "Hello there!"
She is becoming a more stable walker and I caught some pictures of her walking. I really need to make a video of it.
Ronan is having his eye surgery on Monday to straighten his eyes. I have the usual nervous energy I have before he has surgery. I pray nothing will happen to his sight and I know this is an extremely rare possibility. I am also excited to see his eyes stay straight. Below are two pictures that demonstrate what Ronan lives with everyday. His eyes do this almost constantly with and without his glasses. Other time his eyes shake rapidly or one will go far left while the other one stays straight. This is why this surgery will be of great benefit to him.
Ronan loves to hide with the lego tote over his head. If he is upset or just wants some alone time he will put the lego tote over his head. I think this is adorable and I'm pretty sure he thinks we can't see him.
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