One month from today and my one year blog challenge will come to an end. I still have not missed a single day and I hope I can keep this up for the very last month. It's hard to believe it has been 11 months since I woke up one morning and decided I was going to start a memory project for my kids. One entire year of their life recorded. Eventually I plan to print all of it off and save it as a keepsake for them.

I needed groceries after being in the hotel for three weeks. Before we had gone to the hotel I had gone through all the cupboard and got rid of the expired food and we ate everything left in the cupboards that was still good. I had a fresh slate in the food department. I spent the morning picking up items to refill the cupboards.

For the afternoon I went shopping to pick up Isaac's anniversary gift. He has been wanting a long rectangle leather wallet for awhile. He had one when we were dating but he wore it out. He had been unable to find a new one. I called around and finally found a store that carried them. I went and picked one up today and put it in a gift bag. Our anniversary isn't until Monday but I couldn't wait to give it to him. The funny thing was that he liked the tin the wallet came in almost as much as the wallet.

Ronan's eyes are doing better and the redness is starting to fade in some areas. He no longer acts like they bother him. The picture below is him expressing his dismay over his booster seat. More specifically the fact he couldn't remove the tray and sit down. He knows if he gets to sit in his chair that his food is ready. At this moment his food was still not ready and if I took off the tray for him he would have been upset his food was not ready. This is a regular occurrence and I think he thinks if only he could sit in his chair at his choosing his food would magically be ready.

Inara found Jadzia's birthday present. Since we are still unpacking I have not hidden it away as of yet. Instead it has been sitting in the dining room. Inara loves to chat with the Lalaloopsy twins. She will sit in front of their box and talk to them. She's tried to figure out a couple of times how to free them from their box. If Inara has her say Jadzia will have one less birthday present.
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