Inara discovered the window today. She was on her tippy toes trying to see if Daddy was outside. She kept saying "Daddy there?" and pointing. I lifted her up and let her stand on the windowsill. I held on to her as she tried to find Daddy. She started yelling out "Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!" I looked down and sure enough there was Isaac in the parking lot.
We had signing class today which is why Inara, Ronan and I were all waiting on Daddy. Today's class was on family. We learned all the family relationships: mother, father, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, cousin, grandma, grandpa, house, home, family and a few others. Ronan already knows Mommy and daddy. During those portions he was signing the right sign to each of us. Daddy was his first sign (when he was about 12 months) and every time he sees Isaac he signs it to Isaac.
The day was extremely hot. I believe the heat index was 115. I picked up push pops for the kids so they could cool off. I bought them for the big kids and they shared with the babies. Ronan especially enjoyed the treat and the kids had to watch for his grabby fingers. Once he got a hold of one it was hard to get it away.
Yesterday at the Cornival the kids got toy instruments. Jadzia got a purple tambourine and played it for a good part of the afternoon. I uploaded a video to Facebook of one of her little routines. If you have Facebook you can view it on my wall.
Tomorrow is Ronan's eye surgery. We don't have to be there until eight (this is later than most of his other surgeries). Also they called me on Friday and told me his new glasses were in and said I could pick them up tomorrow when we come in for his surgery. We should hopefully be home by noon.
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