They notified me that they had called in a special anesthesiologist just for Ronan. With all of his conditions they wanted someone with a lot of expertise and experience especially since this was at an outpatient center and not a hospital. This anesthesiologist's job the entire time he was there was to solely monitor Ronan. He told me he was 90% sure he could get Ronan through without a trip to the hospital.
Ronan's Dr. met with me next and went over the procedure one more time. A nurse came in and took him back. He smiled at her as she carried him away. I was sent back out to the waiting room where I worked on Human Biology homework. A half an hour later the doctor came out and mentioned that everything had gone beautifully and they would call me back shortly. I waited for awhile and was wondering what was taking so long. That's when I saw the doctor again. This is odd because you usually only see the doctor once after surgery.
He led me back to the consultation room to tell me Ronan had developed strider because his airway had started to close. He looked very concerned. But this had been exactly what I told them would happen. It happens every time he has surgery and I had emphasized this. I told him they usually give Ronan a steroid and then within an hour he's usually better. He said they would try the steroid. Sure enough as I predicted after a breathing treatment and a dose of steroids he was fine.
They led me back and he was crying and fighting them. I took him and gently rocked him the way I know calms him. I wrapped a blanket around him and held him tightly and he immediately quit crying and drifted back to sleep. After a short time they gave the ok for Ronan to go home. He wasn't too happy being put in his car seat and he screamed until we hit the highway.
He took a good afternoon nap but woke up crying. He cried for over an hour and tylenol didn't seem to help. He also kept his eyes tightly shut. It was a struggle to get dinner down him but we did and then he finally squinted his eyes open a little which is how he's been the rest of the night. As long as I hold him he doesn't cry but if I put him down he goes into a crying fit. He gets to have a good snuggle with mommy tonight.
Tomorrow he has a follow-up with his eye doctor first thing in the morning. He was supposed to not see him for two weeks but after the breathing trouble he had following surgery his doctor requested I bring him in in the morning.
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