When Jadzia was between one and two she was really sick. She saw a lot of specialists. Her problems stemmed from a small right kidney, severe sleep apnea and a severe milk allergy. The milk allergy made it so she was barely able to absorb nutrients. At 20 months she was barely 16lbs. Once we got her on some supplements and took away dairy she grew. She got her tonsils removed which eliminated the apnea. Around her last birthday she was cleared by her kidney doctor which was the last specialist on her list. Now she is happy and thriving.

The doctors visits and hospital stays took a toll on her. When she was stressed she would twirl her hair so much that she pulled it out. She was balding on the left side of her head. She also would not speak. She saw early intervention and they determined her cognitive abilities and hearing were fine. She just wasn't talking. She saw a teacher until she graduated from the program at 3.

Since then her vocabulary has grown significantly. The only problem is she is hard to understand. I can understand her speech about 50% of the time. I usually turn to the boys for translation who get it right about 75% of the time. After talking to Ronan's speech therapist she thought that they could help Jadzia articulate her words better. I set up an evaluation for Jadzia and that took place today. We left early this morning and Jadia brought her favorite doll "Macy" along with her.

The therapist did a test to see how quickly she could move her tongue from the front to the back of her mouth. She said Jadzia's was delayed for her age which is what they usually see with kids who are having articulation problems. She had Jadzia go through an extensive test. Once again Jadzia's cognitive skills were above the mean. She just scored low on being able to form her words. The therapist thought this is because she was a late talker and is catching up. She is in the 5-6 year range cognitively but only in the two and a half year range for articulation. Her therapist recommended therapy once a week.

They are going to try and set it up at the same time as Ronan's. This way I'll just bring her along too and no extra trip will be needed. I'm excited for her because her speech has been a source of great frustration for her. When we can't understand her she gets upset and finally says "I can't say it!" and walks away.

After her session we went to the store and she picked fresh strawberries for her treat. She rode in the little car cart and made car sounds throughout the shopping trip. We got back to the hotel and she had to tell the boys how she got to have a teacher and spend time in a class.

Jadzia had been wanting for weeks to see the new Winnie the Pooh movie that came out today or as she puts it "Honey the Pooh". Landon has argued extensively with her over the subject. Today their argument went like this. Landon: "It's Winnie the Pooh not Honey the Pooh!" Jadzia stiffened tired of Landon's insistence. She responded "It's Honey the Pooh because he falls into Honey and he is Pooh!"

I decided to take her on a girls day and see Winnie the Pooh. This brought back memories from my childhood as Winnie the Pooh was always one of my favorites. We got popcorn and m&ms and she sat on my lap. She loved the entire movie and giggled through most of it. When it was over she felt that we should extend our girls day and look at Toys R US. I complied and she came across a back pack clip version of her unicorn pillow pet. I asked if they had anymore because I thought we would get the boys smaller version of their pillow pets but the unicorn was the last one. I bought it for her and she was so excited because now her unicorn had a baby.

Lastly if you look closely in the picture below you can see Inara trying to figure how to climb out of her bed. Her leg is hiked way up. She is barely 13 months and she already gets herself about half way up. Looks like we're headed for trouble in the near future.
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