I was taken of guard when the nurse mentioned the PH probe that I gave a very weak protest. After calming down I thought more rationally and called his doctor back. I told them that either they would place the PH probe and admit him for the 24 hours it has to be in or it was not going to be done at all. Basically if the test was an absolute must they were going to watch him the entire time. I believe this was a more than reasonable compromise. I received a call shortly after letting me know the test wasn't that important and they were just not going to do it. I'm glad I spoke up now knowing that a not so important test could have put my son's life in danger.
Ronan was feeling better today. No fever but was still pretty sleepy. He took a couple of long naps. During those times Inara helped me unpack. Since he slept so much she was the only one I got pictures of today.
Overall the lesson I learned yet again today is I am my son's best advocate. This is something another mom told me shortly after Ronan was born. Her son also has Down Syndrome. At the time I was upset because someone had something wrong about Ronan. I was in tears and these are the words she encouraged me with "You will learn to become the best advocate Ronan will ever have. You will become tough and strong. You will learn to not waiver and allow unfair treatment just because your son is perceived as different. You will learn how to fight for him and you will learn to be successful at it." I have never forgotten her words. If I don't fight for him who will. I know him best and I know all the tiny details of his medical history (doctors don't always remember) if something doesn't seem right I need to say so.
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