Can you tell what today was? Yes, today was Ronan's therapy day. He worked so hard he crashed in the middle of the floor as soon as we came home. He did really well today. He even bent over and picked up a toy hammer then stood completely back up again. This is a task he'd been unable to do in the past or at least unwilling to do. If he saw something he wanted on the ground he would sit down and play with it. He saw no need to bend over, pick it up and stand back up.

Today became an impromptu Xander day. Just after I put the kids down for a nap a documentary for gorillas came on. Gorillas are Xander's absolute favorite animal. I knew he would love the documentary so I called him in to watch it with me. I was right he loved it. He now officially wants to raise baby gorillas when he grows up (the documentary was about a sanctuary that cares for orphaned baby gorillas).

The rest of the day was pretty uneventful. Jadzia and Xander did have a contest to see who could kick the highest. But we did not get outside like I had hoped because the day kind of flew by.

Tonight I put the kids to bed and all but Xander fell asleep within fifteen minutes. He couldn't sleep so he tip toed into my room where I was writing a paper for drama class. He thanked me for letting him watch the gorilla show. Since he was up and the others were snoozing away I decided he could go with me to Wal-Mart. The hotel has limited cupboard space and the fridge is small. We have to buy a little at a time and I've been making frequent grocery trips.

Xander informed my I was the best mom in the world for taking him on the venture. Xander is my little charmer. He tells me daily I am a beautiful queen. At Wal-mart I let him get a cinnamon roll and a dinosaur straw cup. We got our groceries and then we sat in the car while he ate his cinnamon roll. I asked him a bunch of questions about himself. I already knew the answers to most of them but I enjoyed hearing his answers.

He told me as we headed back that this was the best night of his life because he got to sit in the car eating a cinnamon roll and talk to me. The boys is easy to please and I am glad he is a grateful child. It is a quality I hope he always posses. I'm happy I got to spend some extra time with my Xander Boo. After tonight it confirms what I already knew about him, he is one insightful little man.
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