Ronan has had a walking boom today. He's been taking one or two steps here and there but today he's really taken off. He'll walk ten to twenty steps in a row. He's also turning completely around without falling.Crawling is still his main mode of mobility but not for long. He knows how to stand from the middle of the floor and then just takes off. The motivation to walk is huge right now for him. He's set his mind on the goal and he's reaching it.

I was up bright and early for the clothing sale. I arrived ten minutes early and there were about four people in line. After I got into line everyone else arrived and the line wrapped clear around the building. I had made it just in time. I decided I would hit Jadzia's size first since she was the one most in need. I found quite a few things for her then moved on to Inara since it was in the same area. After taking the girls' things to the holding room I moved to the boys' section. There were less things for boys but I found enough. I hit the shoes next and as I was about to go through what I had when I noticed a bitty baby stroller. The price was reasonable so I added it to the collection. Jadzia's shopping cart broke recently and she needed a replacement doll carrier.

Total amount for all kids for the year in clothes and shoes was $135. I was pretty pleased and glad I decided to stop by on the half off day. When I got home the kids were jumping up and down wanting to see what they got. I sorted everything in the laundry room showing them all their treasures as we went. Jadzia loved her new stroller and she immediately tried to overload it with baby dolls.

For supper my family came over. After dinner we had a painting project for the kids. They painted little ceramic animals. My mom helped Ronan paint a sheep. She guided his hand a little but he mostly decided where the paint went. The kids are wearing new pajamas and my family is watching a movie. I think I'll join them now.
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