My main focus today was studying for my Biology final. I typed out a 7 page study guide based on the sheet my professor gave me on what would be on the exam. I memorized it. I have been gifted with being able to memorize lists and data and I also have a great long term memory. I can tell you almost everything that's ever happened to me in detail. If you show me one of my kid's outfits from any point in their life I can tell who gave it to them and when.

My short term memory however is awful. I'll be doing something and get sidetracked and completely forget I was doing the first activity. Or Isaac will ask me to do something for him and one of the kids will need something and an hour later Isaac will inquire if I've completed the task and I haven't even started it. This trait I have baffles him. How can I remember all the phone numbers to my classmates from fourth grade but not remember he asked me to put a pizza in for him an hour ago. This is the same reason paperwork piles up and I almost miss deadlines. What can I say I baffle myself.

But my list memorizing skills came in handy today and I had the entire study guide memorized by 4:00 pm. I was pretty confident I did pretty well. The teacher let us see our current grade without the final factored in. He said the grade he showed us would be the worse grade we could get because even if we got a 0 on the final it would be our grade. I'm sitting at a B but as soon as he factors in my final I might end with an A. That is my hope anyway but either way I'm happy to have passed since I need this grade for the future.

In the kid zone Ronan is walking! Yes, he has been taking steps but today he took about thirty in a row including three turns. I'm so excited. I unfortunately missed seeing this because I was at the above exam. I mean I was gone less than an hour and I come back and am told I missed this incredible Ronan feat.

Inara is a very expressive baby. She has the cutest look that let's you know she is completely disgusted with what just occurred. You can view the look in the above pictures. She has also determined she will help Ronan out by removing his hearing aides and glasses for him. I think they use secrete code. They seem to have their own language. I will walk in on them standing in their cribs facing each other. They will babble back and forth like they have a language only they can understand.
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