Today the lead inspector came and he found what he was looking for. Our house is lead stricken. Obviously this is less than ideal and will mean a remodel of windows, door jams, the garage and the back porch. All of these things and perhaps a bit more I'm not remembering will need to be replaced. The good news is the kids' lead levels were all with in normal range. Jadzia's however was 2 points higher than the others but still normal.
Along with the lead inspector we had an asthma nurse come out. She did an overall safety inspection of the house. She is going to meet with me in a week with a safety kit tailored specifically to our household needs. She said the cleanliness of the house was great. This is most likely due to the fact she missed seeing my 2:00 am baseboards and wall scrubbing.

In preparation for Saturday's clothing renovation I have brought out all the hand me downs to make sure we are making full use of what we already have. In doing this I came across the one outfit that really makes me think of Xander. It is his red fire truck, dalmatian pajamas. From the time he was 18 months until probably around three these pajamas were his favorites. He wore them as much as I would allow. Now they are Ronan's size.
I had washed them and as I was folding them when I told Xander about how he used to love them. I had to find pictures of him in them to show him. He spent a good amount of time going through his baby Xander folder on the computer. All these pictures of him are when he was a little over two.

Tomorrow I have a dentist appointment. I would mention the last time I had a dentist appointment but it's pretty bad so we'll leave it at that. At home I take pretty good care of my teeth, brush twice a day, floss, rinse and all. But I've neglected dental appointments. Mainly because I just get busy and then forget to make an appointment. So hopefully the damage isn't too extensive.
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