Today there were no scheduled appointments and it was a relief from the hustle of the past few days. I got a lot of the finishing touches done on class assignments so I'd have the entire weekend just to breathe. I got a letter in the mail approving me for graduation. My graduation will be May 4th which is a Wednesday night. I'm not sure why they made it for Wednesday. But it will leave conflict for my parents since they have church. Since my mom is my main babysitter Isaac might not be able to go either. If this is the case I might not go at all. At least I'll still get the degree.

Inara has a cold. I think this may be because we've recently turned our air on and she loves to crawl over to our large living room vent and feel the air on her face. Her cough isn't too bad but she's got a plugged up nose. Mommy has been bugging her all day trying to keep it clear. She is none too happy at my approach to keep her nasal passage clear for breathing.

Xander's neck is slightly better. He even allowed me to do the neck exercises the doctor recommended. Basically he tilts his neck the opposite way he's been leaning and holds for ten seconds. I help to hold it and we didn't get it titled fully to the right but it's a start.

Tomorrow we are going to candy land. My mom's daycare is doing a candy land themed carnival. All the staff are encouraged to bring family member. The kids could barely sleep tonight thinking about it. Landon thinks he is actually going to be transformed into a gingerbread boy to play an active, live candy land game. I tried to explain this was not the case but to no avail. Hopefully the less than lively version will suffice tomorrow.
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