He had time to color an entire ten page coloring book, run cars up and down a ramp and build the entire Mr. Potato head family from scratch twice. After all that activity the child life specialist and nurse took him and his new bunny back to the procedure room. My dad and I went back to the waiting room. My dad had gone along because Xander had wanted him there. My dad is a sort of security blanket for Xander. They are pretty close buddies.
The child life specialist brought out his bunny fifteen minutes later and let us know he was a sleep and everything was underway. 30 minutes more of waiting and the doctor met us. He said that Xander's colon spasmed alot. He diagnosed Xander with IBS but said we won't know if there is an underlining cause until we get the biopsies back next week. Everything looked pretty good minus the abnormal spasms.
When they lead me back to him I could hear him screaming clear down the hall. When I got there he was pretty delirious and kept asking for me. I kept having to reassure him I was there. For awhile he couldn't tell whether he was sitting or laying. After he was awake enough we headed home.
Ronan got his jungle braces. His new shoes fit so well he didn't even need velcro extensions. The monkeys, lions and hippos look pretty cute. I will just not inform Ronan there are hippos present on them ( remember back to ominous hippopotamus). I think he's adjusted pretty well to wearing the braces and they weigh him down a lot less than they used to.
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