Inara's poor nose is still suffering. I put aquafor on it since that was all I had in stock. If it doesn't help I may go buy some lanolin. Xander needed his neck checked from the chiropractor and I decided to take Landon and Inara along. Sometimes if your neck is out it can affect drainage. I thought we'd see if an adjustment might help if not at least Inara would have an aligned neck. I used to not be a huge believer in the chiropractor helping with things other than muscle/body aches.

I really didn't fathom how it could help internal things. If you don't like hearing about poop skip to the next paragraph. The one thing that finally made me a believer was Ronan's chronic constipation. The doctors tried laxatives, suppositories and I tried nearly every home remedy under the sun. Nothing came close to relieving his issue. Then I took him for his first chiropractic adjustment and Ronan was cured literally overnight. Of course he has to go back and get adjusted every now in then. But an adjustment is much easier than chronically taking laxatives.
I also knew we had a good doctor when he immediately knew he couldn't adjust Ronan's neck. Children with Down Syndrome can have a neck issue that if their neck is moved a certain way it will snap and kill them instantly. Our chiropractor knew without me bring it up and he has never touched Ronan's neck.

Isaac is wrapping up his photo assignments for the semester. Today his little model was Jadzia. He had to photograph her ears, mouth, eyes, feet, finger nails, and then all of her. Jadzia thought it was pretty cool to be the subject of Daddy's photography. She ate every minute of it up and attempted to pose.

Now we are trying to come up with ideas for the 7 deadly sins. He is required to do a photo shoot representing each sin. He's asked me for my help to spark some creativity. I have a few ideas but don't quite have a complete concept yet.

I found this baby bandanna when I was going through clothes. I put it on Inara just for fun. Landon saw it on her and asked me if Inara had the mumps because it was wrapped under her chin. I'm not sure where he gets all of his information from.
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