Jury duty has inconvenienced me indirectly. The local courts have decided that Ronan's cardilogist would make an excellent juror. I have never had jury duty so I am unsure as to whether they know everyone's occupation but you'd think if they had they would have determined he had better things to do than decide the fate of an alleged criminal. We are now seeing a different doctor. I have never met this doctor so I'm hoping they are just as good. It was either see the different doctor or wait three weeks which was inadvisable.

Ronan impressed his therapist today with his walking skills. I showed her the video of him walking. She got him to sign walk and worked on his balance by blowing bubbles and having him reach while standing. She showed me how to walk with him and only letting him hold part of my hand. She said the lower I have my hand the more balance he will have to have. She thinks any day now walking will completely click and he'll abandon crawling.

Inara loves her reflection. She loves to pull to stand at the dishwasher. She'll give herself a kiss leaving the dishwasher door smudged up. I discovered today Inara has allergies. She has had a runny nose all day. We know where she inherited these allergies from because both her and her dad have started their hay fever on the same day. I'm leaning more towards allergies than a cold since Isaac is this way every year. He took allergy shots for awhile but stopped going once his schedule got too busy.

As you surmised from the first paragraph tomorrow is Ronan's big heart appointment. I'm a little nervous but I know things will work out. God always works things for good and I'm trusting him to take care of my boy and to lead the doctors.
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