I spent the morning relaxing with my babies. I had four of them piled all around me on the couch snuggling for awhile. Ronan would have been too but he had nodded to sleep minutes before the pile on mommy fest had begun. I would have grabbed him for snuggles but having a pile of babies around me made movement a complicated task.

My in-laws were in town for another gun show. My mother in-law picked the big three and I up while Isaac took care of the babies. We went and saw Rio. I thought it was pretty cute and I liked the variety of birds. I've had an interest in birds for awhile. I was going to be an ornithologist from about 5th to 7th grade and I had a love bird named "Zoey".

We picked up Isaac to go swimming at my in-laws' hotel. The two babies got some grandma and grandpa time with my parents. I'm sure Inara is going to be pretty clingy tomorrow. She is extremely attached to me and the last couple of days I've been away from her for long periods. She always wants to be close when she hasn't seen me for awhile. I'm cherishing her attachment because I know how quickly independence asserts itself.

We had a nice dinner out and the kids shared a huge pile of chocolate chip pancakes. For swimming the kids were excited because Nana (Isaac's grandma) had bought them floating bathing suits. We are still working on swimming. Landon is getting better and I think with a little encouragement Xander will be moving in the right direction. Jadzia is starting to have the independent spirit in the water but I still have to be cautionary because the skill isn't quite there yet.

The kids were exhausted and so were mom and dad. I usually don't get into bed until after midnight but I think after this blog I'm off to bed. Nothing like a long swim to help you sleep.
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