Today Inara is 14 months. Her second year seems to be flying by quicker than her first and her first went by way too fast for me. She is my baby but more and more everyday she is losing baby traits and is starting towards being a little girl. She talks pretty well for her age and does everyday tasks, like eating, independently. I'm debating potty training. She tells me when she is poopy and hates it. I'm thinking maybe at 18 months we'll just experiment without any pressure. I'll just show her the option and she can take it or leave it.
I've decided I'm going to give him the chance to be potty trained with his sister. If he is not it will not bother me. But I long ago decided I would let Ronan have a chance to show me what he can accomplish and I'm not going to stop that now at potty training. But we are still 4-6 months away from my attempt so I have time to do some research.
Tonight my brother and his family came over. We had pizza and cookies. Now we're chatting and singing. Xander and Landon are preparing to do their first church duet. You can hear Xander sing half the song on Facebook. I posted a video of him singing the first verse and the chorus. Landon knows the entire song really well and we decided they would sing it together.
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