In roughly two weeks the year of the Fullmer blog will come to an end and in three days the ten day countdown will start. One entire year without missing a post. I was talking to Isaac about it last night and he asked me what I was going to do at the end of the challenge. I think I have finally decided that I will continue blogging but I am going to just do post when I feel like it. I'm not going to make the commitment to one every day. If I post everyday so be it but if I only post once in awhile so be it. I know the first day I do miss will feel weird as this blog really has become a nightly habit and relaxtion time to focus on the events of the day.
Today we watched the same episode of Strawberry shortcake about four times. Jadzia recently received this Strawberry Shortcake dvd. I have the Strawberry Shortcake road trip burned into my mind and most likely I will see falling strawberries and orange blossom drifting through my dreams tonight.
Other than all the dessert cartoon watching we read books and came up with a few stories of our own. I talked to the boys who are still having fun. I miss them terribly. I'm not sure if I mentioned this yesterday or not but Xander figured out how to cross the monkey bars all on his own. He and Ronan had great strides in their play skills all on the same day.
Inara's language skills are continuing to blossom. She now calls me "Mommy" rather than "Mama". She can also point to her hands, feet, nose, mouth, and ears when asked. She can recognize herself in a picture and mirror. I'll ask her where is Inara and she will point to her reflection/picture and then back at herself.
Jadzia and I are excited for tomorrow. We are going to the state fair bright and early. We are going to have the entire day to ourselves and I can't wait to see the adventures we encounter. She's so excited that sleeping may prove problematic tonight.
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