I know that by the title it would seem I'm done with blogging but I don't think I'm done yet. I've just closed a chapter in my blogging life and I don't think I will post every day but I will still post. Within a few weeks I'm going to do some changing and might start a new blog so this can stay a unique project. I plan on printing all the posts from this year and creating a memory book for my kids. I'll introduce the new blog as soon as I can get around to creating it.

First up was Landon who was five and about ready to start kindergarten. We've improved on his apple phobia this year, lost his first two teeth and he is now a first grader. He's also a reader and writer. Huge accomplishments for one year.

Xander was four when we started and in preschool. He is still one tough little goof ball. He is improving on his charming skills and is now in kindergarten.

Jadzia who was two when we started is now edging very close to four. Her communication skills have seen great strides and she is still a pink obsessed, pony loving princess. She just started preschool.

Ronan. What's there to say about Ronan other than he went from barely crawling this year to full out walking. He has learned to sign about 15 words. Has learned how to show his desire for independence and has confirmed his strong willed personality. He was 14 months at the start and is now two.

Baby Inara has grown from a two month old newborn into a 14 month old toddler. She has done all the normal baby stuff, crawling, walking, mood swings, and talking.

Here we are at the end. An idea that sparked in my mind late one night came to life on the computer screen and I did it! One year later. That's all she wrote. For now....
Congrats! That is quite an accomplishment.
ReplyDeleteWhat an accomplishment i thought i read this but apparently not! THe kids have sure changed in just one year!!