Sunday, August 21, 2011

A Picnic at Church, Sick Babies at Home.

Two more days!!! It's bitter sweet to see another year passed and the kids growing bigger. Both babies are still sick. Inara is doing ok just has a runny nose and slight cough. You can take one look at Ronan's droopy eyes and runny nose and you can tell he doesn't feel well.

He sounds congested which may lead to a doctor visit tomorrow. I have to catch it quick if his cold is going into pneumonia. Evey time he's had pneumonia in the past he has been hospitalized because he just can't handle it well.

The babies and I stayed in since the cold battle was still going strong. The three oldest went to church with my parents. Their church was having their annual summer picnic and the kids were very excited.

While the babies and I were cuddling away back at home the big guys enjoyed balloon races, baseball and Frisbee. They came home lake dirty and tired. Baths and early bed time are on tonight's agenda.

Tomorrow we start homeschooling for the year. Xander will be starting kindergarten and Landon first grade. Landon says he's in the big time now. Don't be fooled by his tired, played at the lake all day, expression below he's pretty excited for tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. This was such a cool project. I wish I'd have seen the blog earlier. Congrats on a job well done!
