Monday, August 15, 2011

Voting on the Blog

Ten down count down until my blog challenge is complete: 8 days to go. I told the kids that today and Xander got really sad. He said "Only eight days until the blog is over!" His face was distraught and I looked at him in confusion not knowing why the blog seemed so important to him. I asked him why he liked the blog so much. He said " Because you take pictures of us everyday and I like looking at the posts everyday."He decided we should have a kid vote. If all the kids voted yes then I should keep doing the blog daily. The votes were unanimous and they believed that now I should continue making blog posts. I told them we would see how it goes and that either way I will continue to take pictures of them. After all it is me the picture obsessed mother.

Landon is a pro fly catcher. Whenever I see an annoying fly buzzing around I send Landon after it and within minutes it is captured in some sort of device. He then takes it outside for me. Today he thought it was the funniest thing ever to put this tiny megatron mask on Jadzia's doll. Jadzia didn't find it funny because her doll is a girl and girls can't be robots.

Jadzia kept up her princess/ballerina act. She twirled around the house with her crown and fairy wings. She also wanted me to take a picture of her apple tree she made at church. She told me it was the fruits of the spirit. Her tree only contained two fruits : Goodness and meekness. I think patience might have been a good one to add to her tree but then again what three year old doesn't need patience hanging from their tree or what mother for that matter.

Above is how Ronan looks at me. He looks at me so loving that I decided to snap a picture from my perspective. He was cute during lunch because he was super tired. He nearly fell asleep in his food.

This leaves Inara who dazzled in her red tutu today. She even tried a few Jadzia twirls. Jadzia may be gaining ballerina competition.

1 comment:

  1. I think you should continue with it. You said yourself it helps you in many ways. I think you do a great job.
