Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Gross Motor Skills Skyrocket.

Today was Ronan's annual Early intervention review. Five ladies all came to our house to talk about Ronan's development. They consisted of his PT, OT, Speech Therapist, teacher, and nurse. His PT was releasing Ronan from the program because he has shown he is awesome and excelling in his gross motor skills. She showed me his graph and how much in the last couple of months his gross motor skills have skyrocketed. He will still have private PT because they work beyond him just walking.

He will still have all the other therapies and his nurse will check in on him once a month. The biggest medical thing we're focusing on right now is his esophagus issues. Tomorrow he will have an endoscopy and esophageal dilation. Once they view his esophagus they will decide if they want to go ahead and do the reflux surgery.

Today Ronan's nurse gave me some information about the reflux surgery. I read it through and now I'm even more uneasy about having the surgery done. Kids that have the esophagus defect Ronan had have significantly more complications. Kids with food motility issues like Ronan has have more complications and one thing that really startled me is that he would never be able to throw up again. That doesn't seem healthy because there are times that would seem necessary. There were many other things I was unaware of that makes me not want to go through with it.

I'm going to have to pray for a lot of wisdom and Isaac is going to sit down with me and go over all the information and we're going to have a big discussion. I value this greatly because normally he tells me to go with what I think is best and he's fine with it. But this seems much bigger to me and I truly need Isaac's input because he has amazing instincts.

Miss Jadzia asked me to take pictures of her in her new pink dress and princess slippers. She loves to pose for the camera.

I got some pretty cute ones of Inara too. She is starting to understand questions. When I ask her what her favorite food is she says "Banana, Banana, Banana." Today when Isaac was upstairs I asked her Where Daddy is and she said " Daddy, up there." and she pointed up the stairs. She also understands when I tell her to go sit in her chair or put the legos in the tote. Yesterday she picked up all the legos for me.The kids are having fun at Bible school. Jadzia and Landon are on the Red Maya team. Xander is on the Blue Inca team. Last night Xander told me that the blue team was going to win thanks to him. I asked what he meant and he said he earned the team two extra points.

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