Tonight there was excitement revealing itself through three bouncing children who could hardly contain themselves long enough to put their shoes on. They were getting peanut butter jelly as the nightly snack. Somehow VBS transformed Peanut Butter and jelly into an excitement that rivals Christmas. On top of that they were getting coupons for free chic-fila kids meals. I may have been the one excited about this one.
Last night Ronan and I got to visit all of his friends at the ER. They didn't give him a steroid before he left endoscopy and as is normal for him his airway started swelling around midnight. He has home steroids but they don't work as well as the ones they give him at the hospital. When we arrived the doctor wanted to admit him right away. I told him the name of the steroid he needed and that if he had that he should be ok.
His strider was pretty intense and warranted several "poor baby" from the nurses. The doctor said he'd give my suggestion a try and they would monitor for a few hours and then if he was better he could be sent home, if not he would be admitted. Sure enough within twenty minutes of getting the steroid his airway had no sound and he was breathing wonderfully with perfect stats. Avoiding the germs in the pediatric unit is something I strive for.
Inara wanted to represent her Scottish ancestors today by wearing plaid attire. Isaac thought next time she should pick different ancestors. Hey Daddy, she's cute enough to pull off the plaid.
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