Ronan had a sleep appointment bright and early this morning. His sleep specialist was wanting to follow up on how his oxygen was going. I told her he pulls the tubing out of his nose alot but the cheek stickers at least leave it on his face so it's easier to put back in his nose once it is out and we go through a lot less tape. Ronan was looking pretty stylin today. He borrowed his brother's sun glasses for the car ride. Someone want to tell me why he's willing keep the non eye sight improving sunglasses on but avidly tries to remove his glasses.

You could tell when we arrived at the Sleep center just how much rain last night's fierce storm had brought. A small pond was covering half of the parking lot. The sleep doctor said Ronan will stay on oxygen until he get his tonsils out. His ENT won't take his tonsils out until Ronan reaches age four or five. Both the sleep doctor and Ronan's Pulmonologist were concerned with waiting that long but they agree that it is the ENT's call.

Ronan and I went grocery shopping. I found a shopping cart made for me. I've seen the ones with the car in front that fits two kids but then there is usually no front baby seat. This cart had space for two children in the front and two in the toy car. Having four kids strapped in and still have room for food is a great concept.

In the Bakery they had a sale on really big frosted cookies. I gave in and bought each of the big kids one. The boys each got a spiderman one and Jadzia got a pink one with a butterfly on it. The cookies are huge so they will be a treat over several days. No way am I loading them with that much sugar in one sitting. I have no desire to have my children flying around the living room like they just ate a bunch of firecrackers.

In the afternoon I finished up some lengthy paperwork for one of the programs Ronan is in and mailed it. My Brother and his family came over for dinner. My kids were generous and shared some of their big cookies with their cousins. When I want them to share something that is theirs I always give them the option. I tell them they don't have to share it but it would be kind of them to share with someone else. Every time I use this strategy they willing share whatever it is I've suggested. I like this method because I'm not making them share they are building the character of generosity by their own choice.

A week from tomorrow we will be moving into the hotel. The kids are excited and I'm hoping the indoor pool will be enough to keep them from getting cabin fever during our three week stay.
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