One of Ronan's therapist came over today. I was feeding him lunch and while I was doing so the big kids dumped all their legos throughout the living room. I tried to get them to pick them up but the therapist arrived just as I was giving orders. We started in the kitchen for Ronan's feeding. I filled her in on everything going on with him. The kids had still not completed the lego pick up by the time we headed back in to do therapy so we improvised and shoved everything to the side.
For the afternoon I had to go pick up a couple of prescriptions for Ronan and I took Jadzia with me. On our way I spotted a community sale and of course this forced me to stop. The back wall held a huge sign that said $2.00 for all the clothes you can fit into a bag. The boys were my main objective because they were in need of shirts. I got even more excited when I saw they had a bunch of nice shirts in their sizes. Many were name brand and had animals and characters they like. I filled up a bag full of shirts for them.
They also had some cheap children's book and I let Jadzia go through and pick some out. We made a pretty good haul of around 20 shirts, a few pairs of pants, some pjs and a dozen books for $3.25. I was pretty happy to have come across that sign. The boys are now set in clothes for the next year or so. I love great deals.
We continued on our way to our original destination. Ronan's medication had been called in two days ago so I assumed it would be ready. They hadn't even started filling it until I showed up at the counter asking for it. They told me it would be fifteen minutes. Jadzia and I walked around the store experimenting with little trinkets. She is very predictable, if she sees anything princess, tinker bell or otherwise pink she gasps in excitement. We had to stop and ID every thing that looked remotely pretty.
A half an hour later I still had not heard my name called and decided I should take the initiative and find out what was going on. They still did not have it ready. I asked if there was a problem and they assured me there was none. Jadzia and I sat down in the chairs and waited. Jadzia was excited to see that she was on the surveillance tv. She kept waving excessively and doing little hops to see herself move on the screen. We waited for awhile and I finally asked if it would be much longer. I had to leave to get dinner done before my classes. The lady told me they would have it shortly and again assured me there were no issues.
After waiting as long as possible we had to leave. The entire point of the outing was not concluded. At least I got a good deal on the boys' clothes. I still don't have Ronan's medicine. I plan on calling before I leave tomorrow to pick it up. I should have done that today but I thought two days would be enough. Lesson learned.
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