When we got there I was a five ( I had been four and a half for two weeks) and so they had me walk around for awhile. Isaac walked with me. They monitored me for contractions and checked me a few hours later. Still nothing so they decided to send me home. As soon as we got in the car I felt the heavy contractions but I decided to go home because I felt silly going right back in.

I was uncomfortable so I took a bath and sat there for awhile. I tried to get some rest but I couldn't so I went back in the bathroom. At that point I knew this was it. I texted Isaac who was upstairs because I knew I wasn't able to make it up the stairs.I had texted him that I needed an ambulance because I couldn't make it to the hospital. Within seconds of me texting him I heard him barreling down the stairs.

I was laying on the bathroom floor rather pathetically when he found me and he helped me maneuver to the car. As we made it to the check in desk the lady had to re-enter all my information even though we had just been there an hour before. I kept telling the lady and Isaac I couldn't mess with all of this I was going to have the baby now. The lady kept going on about protocol. At that moment I really wanted to take her protocol and throw it out the three story window. I was not a happy person.

I got the same nurse who sent me home and told her I was 110% sure I was having the baby this time. They took me back and the doctor was right there. She was going to break my water but felt what she thought was the cord. If the cord came out first it would be an emergency c-section so she thought it best to wait until it broke on its own. I was a nine so they all left the room.
Something they should not do is leave when I am a nine. I have been known to go from 5 to 10 in 15 minutes. Within five minutes of everyone but my nurse leaving I started telling the nurse I had to push.

She told me not to push to just wait for the doctor. Isaac suggested I move from my side to my back. I slowly did and with that my water broke. I told the nurse the baby was coming now. She said "Don't push wait for the doctor." I said "you don't understand! I'm not pushing and she's coming anyway!" She said "You have to wait for the doctor". Isaac knew me best so he was waiting to catch the baby. I started getting nervous she was going to hit the floor because the bottom of the bed had been already dropped down. I started yelling"Please help me she's coming anyway!" All I got back was just don't push until the doctor gets here. Then it was too late Inara Nerys was born, caught by a random nurse and daddy.

At first she touched the frosting and crinkled her nose, unsure of what to make of it. Isaac put the cupcake up to her mouth so she could taste it. She realized it was good stuff and ever so slowly picked at the cupcake until her hand and face were covered in frosting and cake crumbs. A bath and change of outfit had her ready for presents.
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