Jadzia went camping in our entry way. She said she was Sleeping Beauty and only Inara was allowed to join her. It was more like Inara was forced to join her. Jadzia lured Inara over with one of Inara's toys then blocked the exit with pillows and herself.

Inara contently sat playing with her ladybug. Jadzia pretended she was reading to Inara. What she was reading from was instructions to Landon's Computer game but to Jadzia it was a fairy tale complete with a princess, castle and a couple of dragons.

Ronan had his Endocrinology visit today which is something he is seen for every 3-4 months due to the fact he has hypothyroidism. Once he reaches 3 years of age he will go to every six months unless he has more problems. He has had hypothyroidism since he was one year of age and at first was borderline but by the time he reached about 15 months it was full hypothyroidism.

The visit was lengthy because his pediatrician also had blood work she wanted done. She only wanted him poked once and so she sent orders to the Endocrinologist so her blood work could be added with the Endocrinologist's. The problem occurred when she just sent the type of blood work she wanted done and not the actual order. I did talk to his Endocrinologist about his tremors because she specialize in metabolic disorders including diabetes. She said they didn't sound blood sugar related and sounded more neurological.

After a two hour wait including the visit we made our way to the lab. Ronan is a tough guy. His pain tolerance is extremely high. He never flinches when they stick him. He starts getting upset if they hold his arm down too long. Today he stuck his little lip out and laid his head down on the chair rest in front of him. He sent the lab technician the saddest look and made her feel guilty. As she wrapped his arm he glared at her just to ensure she understood his disgust over her holding his arm down.

I had to get Ronan's tremor diary to the pediatrician. She had been having me log his episodes, their length and what he was doing when they occurred. Before this week it had just been his head and arms but a couple of times now his legs have started shaking. This is progressive because it used to just be his head and only when he was tired.
I took Inara with me to deliver the diary. She got to take her first ride in her big girl car seat. She is still rear-facing but in a more size appropriate car seat. I plan on keeping her rear-facing until she is at least two if not longer.

When I got home Ronan's pediatrician called me to tell me she was sending him to a neurologist. The particular neurologist she's sending me to is really good and really hard to get into. They had someone cancel so they fit Ronan into that appointment which will be on July 13th. Between now and then I'm supposed to try and record one of his tremor episodes. Hopefully I'll have the camera close by and ready the next time he has one of the more prominent episodes.
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