Ronan's GI doctor called me to let me know they want to see him ASAP. The doctor is booked solid but they have him on the cancellation list. He will have the appointment of the first person to cancel. In the meantime Ronan has been put on a strict diet of only pureed foods. To help his growth they want him on 4 bottles of Pediasure a day. Once he has his appointment they will further access what the right course of action is.
I also took a few pictures of Landon today and I was noticing how tall he is getting. He has about three inches and he will be as tall as my shoulder. Of course I'm only 5'3" so that really isn't saying too much but still it seems weird having that tall of a son when he just turned six. Isaac is 6'4" and it looks like Landon got his dad's genes on that one. Xander is only in the 10th percentile for height so he either got my short genes or he'll hit a major growth spurt. I think the later is most likely. This is because both of Isaac's parents' sides are tall and my dad is tall (6'3"). My mom's family are the short ones that gave me my height.
Grandma loves the pictures, and the grandkids, couldn't live without them. Grandma Spencer