Xander asked me if I could buy him doughnuts because tomorrow is Bunny Rabbit's birthday (his imaginary friend). I'm not sure if anyone remembers but Bunny Rabbit had a birthday in March. You can read that story
here. As you can see Bunny Rabbit turned seven in March. I pointed this out to Xander and he informed that since Bunny Rabbits don't live as long they have more frequent birthdays. I was unsure how to combat his cleverness.

We found out today that our house will be renovated starting on June 27th. Everything has to be removed from the house and will be just like we are moving. We will be spending three to four weeks in a hotel while the work is being done. The kids are excited because of course a hotel equals a vacation even though we will be miles from our house. They are praying for a swimming pool and at this point we have no idea if the hotel we will be staying at will have a swimming pool.

I'm going to look at the moving of items out of the house as a positive ordeal. Packed summer classes, five kids 6 and under, tons of summer medical appointments and therapies while trying to move everything out of the house seems overwhelming at first glance. But extreme organization is a must and in the end a better/safer house will result. One of the positive aspects is I'm hoping to find items we thought had previously been devoured into the lost item abyss. Second positive thing is we can deep clean everything. How often is one able to thoroughly sanitize all corners of their house. I'm looking forward to a fresh start in the cleaning department.
Lets see what else did we to do today. I tried to figure out how to extract stuck legos from Ronan's new ball popper. The older kids decided it would be fun to see what could pop out of the ball popper. The most entertaining had to be the fruit loops as they looked more like a cereal volcano that spread colorful ash throughout the living room. Yes, that was a fun cleaning exercise.

One funny thing about kids is they have a super sensitive sensor to mom distractions. What played out is their mom distraction radar began to beep when mom was deep in concentration over Human Biology homework. Ignoring the previous warning that legos don't fit well in ball poppers they poured a bunch of legos into the tube. The unfortunate irony was that two got stuck in the same spot at the same time jamming them into place.I tried many creative avenues to remove the legos all of which were not in the least bit effective. The only option left is to disassemble the ball popper that is unless of course Isaac has a more ingenious idea and from my experience he usually does.

"Look Mom! no hands." Inara is getting braver. Now if she could just see standing and walking as less of means of entertainment and more of a practical means of transportation she'd be well into toddlerhood.

"Seriously, you expect me to eat this?" Inara does not like red fruit loops. She will eat every color but red. Don't ask me why because your guess is as good as mine. In the picture below the red fruit loop is not in the picture but you can see her extended hand which was holding the red fruit loop. You can see her intense rejection of the red fruit loop. She was very concerned.

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