Thursday, June 23, 2011

Boxes, Boxes and more Boxes

The deadline of having everything out of the house and into the portable storage pods is Tuesday by 3:00p.m. As it inches closer the more nerve wrecking it seems. I have so much more to do but I was avoiding the huge stuff because I have two papers due this week and tonight I had an exam in Human Biology class. The tests are extremely detailed and require complete concentration. Now that I survived the test with an A grade. I can finish up my papers tonight and that gives me the weekend to pack.

My sister in-law and brother came over to help. My sister law was a huge help in keeping a mommy attached Inara distracted so not only could I finish six pages worth of Biology homework and study but I was able to get all my laundry done. They also brought tons and tons of boxes over. Here is Jadzia standing with all the boxes. This is good because we had fallen behind on box questing.

We are definitely taking the kids legos to the hotel. We have four big tubs of duplo lego blocks. This is the number one toys the kids play with. Xander especially is always devising elaborate contraptions. When he was two he built a helicopter that was about 15 inches long and looked precisely like a helicopter and it was equipped with propellers and everything. We were stunned at his capacity to create it so accurate at only the age of two. He's always been amazing that way. He was drawing perfect stick people at 18 months. He excels at hand eye coordination. He gets that brilliance from his Daddy. Below is the creation he started today. I'm not sure what he is making it into.Landon on the other hand is becoming a little techie. He can maneuver the computer better than most adults. He has been playing skilled computer games for several years now. He enjoys playing Zoodles. Zoodles is nice because most of it is free and that's all we utilize is the free components. But you can download an icon to your computer and then you can create a profile for each child with age and other facts about them. Zoodles then condences all the kid education websites and online activities and creates a unique toy box for your child. I also get emails every week telling me exactly where the kids went and what they did on Zoodles.

They even have an art center and when I get the weekly update emails it will show me the drawings the kids did on Zoodles and you can even share them on Facebook. Another site Landon loves to go to (this can also be accessed in Zoodles or by itself) is This was the first site Landon every used. He knew all his letters, lower and upper case and what sounds they made before he was three. This was because he played on Starfall everyday.

Tomorrow Ronan goes to see a nutritionist to give me an idea of where he's at and where I need to be going with his eating. We are also going to be getting him a food processor so he will be able to eat most of the same foods as the rest of us. Well I'm off to write some Drama class papers.

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