This morning started out in chaos and left me pretty disheveled. I was unaware that the people working on the house were going to work on Saturday as well. I was woken up with a 20 minute notice they were coming. I was also not told until they got here that they were working inside the house today, all over the house.

Not only that but they ran cords throughout the house and had them all over the floors which is not good with little kids. I wish I had known what they're intentions were going to be because I would have made plans for us all to be elsewhere. I couldn't leave either because Isaac was gone to a charity event he was helping to run. I didn't have a vehicle big enough to haul everyone. Isaac had taken our SUV to load equipment. I was stuck with five kids in the midst of a tornado zone.

I tried my best to keep the kids occupied but the babies of course wanted to explore. Ronan was extremely interested in the cords draped all over the living room. I finally had to put him in a play pen with toys. The head guy emerged from the bathroom to inform me they had cut a hole in the ceiling in the wrong spot. They were supposed to be installing a vent by the light but put it on the other side of the bathroom which meant they now had a big hole to fill.

The rest of the morning did not go much better and my nerves were frazzled when my mom came to my rescue. She took the three big kids to the store. They came back in time for lunch and after lunch it was nap time. My mom sat with the kids during their nap so I could get some errands done.

Landon and I were supposed to join Isaac at the charity event for kid activities but they ended early. I still wanted Landon to have some time out so he and I went to dinner, shared an icecream cone and then he played at the indoor mall playground.

Inara's blister finally popped and I treated it this morning. I put a sock on her hand and it helped her leave it alone. The sock didn't seem to hinder her activity at all. She even ate baby veggie cheetos with it on.

Church is tomorrow and I think an early bed time is in order. It's been a long day and I'm looking forward to meeting my pillow tonight.
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