He is very good with feeding her just the right amount at a time. He also cleans her face when she's done and washes her tray and area. He is a big helper. He thinks it's pretty cool that I let him feed his baby sister. Once in awhile Jadzia begs for a turn. She'll feed Inara a couple of bites before announcing the activity is exhausting and hands it back to Xander.
While on the topic of helping Landon has recently learned how to dress Ronan. He can put his pants and shirt on. This is a complex task because Ronan hates wearing pants. As you try to put them on he kicks his legs out. I'm lucky to have such willing helpers. Landon really is starting to grow up. He also completely cleans the table all by himself after meals. He knows what should go in the trash, sink and what needs put away in the fridge. This is a big time saver for me.
I'm grateful to have helpful kids who like to watch out for each other. I hope they always are there for each other.
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