Monday, March 21, 2011

Happy Birthday, Bunny Rabbit.

Today was an exciting day at our house, Bunny Rabbit turned seven years old. Xander spontaneously announced this event as he tromped down the stairs this morning. Bunny Rabbit is not the family pet; bunny rabbit is Xander's imaginary friend whose been his companion since Xander was two. You may remember the infamous Taloki who caused troubles and mischief wherever he ventured. Bunny Rabbit is a less troublesome character and instead of causing chaos he tends to disperse tid bits of wisdom that are heard through my four year old uttering thought provoking statements.Xander will say something far beyond his years and he'll give complete and total credit to Bunny Rabbit. Unlike Taloki, Bunny Rabbit usually argues that Xander stay out of trouble and do the right thing. He is a Jiminy Cricket of sorts. Seeing as he is a delightful imaginary friend we had a slight party for him. By slight I mean we took piece of left over birthday cake, put a candle on it and sang happy birthday. Xander held bunny rabbit in the palm of his hand so Bunny Rabbit could reach the cake. Xander told me the following "Bunny Rabbit is invisible and can only eat invisible cake and he told me I could eat his noninvisble cake."
Landon did not lose his tooth by today and this meant it had to be pulled. He went back by himself and chatted away at the nurse about all his birthday presents. I waited and read a magazine. I was through the first article when the dentist called "Landon's Mom". She told me he was pretty mad at her and asked me to stress what a brave boy he was. She told me the root on the tooth was huge. Landon came carrying out his tooth in a plastic container and I saw just what she meant. The root was almost twice the size of the tooth itself. In the picture below you can see how long it was. The black is not a cavity or decay it had black fuzz on it maybe the string they used to pull it.
For the afternoon Ronan had Endocrinology. He got his usually blood work for thyroid and CBC. All of his labs came back normal and he was able to stay on the same dose of medication. He had a rough blood draw and the lady stuck him three times before she got another nurse. This nurse was a grandmother of a child with Down Syndrome. By the way today is world Down Syndrome day. 3-21 is world Down Syndrome day because a person with Down Syndrome has 3 copies of their 21st chromosome. There was a celebration at Gigi's tonight but I had class so we couldn't attend.
Inara's new favorite game is so big. When you say "So Big" she gets the biggest smile and raises both hands in the air. I've decided she is saying hi now. Since she was four months old everytime someone would say hi it would sound just like she said "hi" back. I know she is saying it now because she'll say "hi" and wave when someone walks into the room.

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