Monday, January 24, 2011

Adenoids and ear tubes.

Seeing as it is almost 11:00 in the morning this is the earliest in the day I've done the daily blog. The reason is I'm not sure I'll get one in for today if I don't do one now and a lot has already happened today. I got up at 4:30 because we had to be at the hospital by 5:30. I got Ronan up last minute and we headed to the hospital a little early so I could get coffee and stay awake.We sat for awhile waiting for registration but they finally got us back. I thought this would be a sign we'd be waiting awhile for his surgery but before I knew it the anesthesiologist was there to have me sign the consent. I told all the nurses to make sure no one gave Ronan any liquids unless they were thickened. I always have to make extra sure they know this since he silently aspirates unthickened liquids. The last thing he needs is pneumonia while he's trying to recover from surgery.

The doctor came in to see if I had any questions then the search for his C-spine x-ray began. Finally they found his x-ray and the anesthesiologist was pleased that Ronan's neck would be safe for surgery. This made the surgery a go and a nurse came to take Ronan back and I again relayed to this nurse that he could not have any unthickened liquids. She promised they would wait until I was present to give him anything to drink.

I was lead to a consult room and I read my literature assignment while I waited for the doctor to preform his surgery. I was halfway through my reading when the doctor came into the room. He told me Ronan was doing great and just had a little wheezing which was expected given his asthma. He told me to wait in the main area and they would call me when I could see Ronan. I was able to finish my reading before they told me I could go see him. His nurses met me in the hall and the one nurse was in a wheel chair with Ronan asleep on her lap. I switched place with her and took my very sleepy boy. We headed up to the pediatric unit.
I got Ronan settled into his room and they had some special thickener so he was able to have some apple juice. I had to run home and feed Inara and when I left he was sitting up happy and playing with the bear the hospital gave him. He's got the nurse and a volunteer looking after him while I'm away and I'm about to grab lunch and head back up there.
Tonight I have my Speech class and I have to give my first speech. I'm telling the story of how I met Isaac. I'm nervous but I figure it can't be any worse than giving that impromptu speech at Gigi's to all those college students. Worse case I fumble through it and after the semester is over I'll probably never see any of those people again and I tell myself this to get through it.

I'll update more in tomorrow's blog. As promised here is the picture of me wrapped in three rolls of toilet paper. In case you missed yesterday's blog this was Isaac's photography assignment for his class.

1 comment:

  1. Angela, you are such a brave, strong woman and mother. I admire all of your hard work, energy and strength. I greatly enjoy reading your blogs. Thank you.

    Anna Adams
