Today my alarm didn't go off and I woke up 10 minutes before I had to leave to Ronan's audiology. I had to nurse Inara, change both babies diapers get the four older kids breakfast and get Xander dressed because his allergy appointment was right after. I had ten minutes to do all of this in. Good thing I've learned how to nurse while I do about fifty other things. I'm sure I myself looked pretty disheveled as I ran out the door 10 minutes late. I had accomplished everything but only with an extra ten minutes tact on.

I rounded the corner to the first street and it hit me I forgot to put Ronan's glasses and hearing aides on. Who shows up to their kid's audiology appointment without their child wearing hearing aides? I quickly turned around and as I turned onto my street there was a school bus with lights flashing and I had no way to turn around. The school children seemed to dawdle and delay their bus entrance for an unparalleled amount of time. Finally the bus moved on and I ran inside and grabbed Ronan's gear. We now had ten minutes to get there.

I rushed down the hospital sky walk. I went running into audiology out of breath and glanced at the clock. Five minutes late. Arg. I hate being late. A few minutes later his audiologist came out and said "Sorry I was running late this morning. I'm just getting Ronan's paper work together. come on back." I said a quick prayer of thanks and headed back.

Ronan is hearing better!!!!! Previously he could hear at 80 decibels in his left and 50 in his right which are considered severe and moderate hearing loss. Today he was responding at 50 and even gave a turn at 30. I had completely prepared myself that Ronan would eventually be deaf. This was the prognosis I'd been given almost a year ago. They said hearing wise it didn't look good and they were pretty sure that he would progress to complete deafness. They even told me to research cochlear implants (which I did). I started to learn sign language. I had my cry and accepted that most likely by the time my son reached his fourth birthday he'd never hear music or the sound of my voice again. I had made peace about it.

Today I was told his hearing is better and while he may always have hearing aides he is starting to hear at a near normal level. He has to have a BAER test to confirm but his audiologist turned his hearing aides down 20 decibels and Ronan no longer screams and covers his ear when I put his hearing aides in. I called Ronan's hearing teacher when I got back. Her and I rejoiced together and I think her enthusiasm came pretty close to matching mine.

20 decibles may not be a lot but it means he's moving away from becoming deaf not closer to it and I've learned to savor the joy in the small things for they are steps to the much bigger picture. I have been given a blessing by surprise today.

We made our way to Xander's allergy appointment and that went pretty quick. Nothing new just a check up. We then had to get Ronan weighed because he's seemed thinner to me lately. I was right. He is a pound less than he was three weeks ago. They weighed him on the same scale with no clothes both times. This is the first time in his life (other than in the NICU) that he has lost any weight. It also bumps him from the 25th percentile to below the charts.

His doctor wasn't in but most likely they'll just watch him and make sure he doesn't continue to lose. He's already on pediasure so if he continues to lose I can just hear the dreaded G-tube conversation. I've bee able to avoid this because his weight has remained steady and I get creative on ways to keep fluids in him. But if he starts to lose the converstaion will be brought up again. Now I need to get creative on fattening the boy up.

By late afternoon my in-laws had arrived and had valentine goodie bags for the kids. The bags were full of stuffed toys, balloons, clothes, cookies, coloring books, candy and plenty more. Grandma always spoils when she comes and the kids enjoy every minute of it. We went to dinner and then a movie. I had to cut the movie short because both Inara and Ronan got tired but I at least got to catch the first half. Everyone else still got to enjoy it so it was more than worth it.

Now my niece and nephew are over for a sleep over and Landon is at his Grandpa's and Grandma's. A day that started out crazy ended up bring little blessings along the way. Often the best surprises in life are the one's you don't see coming.
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