Today Landon returned with a wiggly surprise. His bottom front tooth is loose. This will be the first tooth he's ever lost and as loose as it is I'm sure it will be out today or tomorrow. It was good to have him back and he was very excited to sleep in his new bunk bed.

Rewinding to earlier in the day my morning started pretty early with an appointment for Xander with the GI doctor. This GI doctor is the same as Ronan's. The doctor put Xander on a fiber supplement. If the fiber supplement doesn't help I'm supposed to call in two weeks. He wants to run further tests if the fiber supplement seems lacking.
He wanted Xander to have blood work done but they don't have a lab at his office. They gave us blood draw paperwork and told me he could have the blood draw done at the lab that is located in our pediatrician's building. I preferred this location because Ronan had a followup directly after Xander's appointment.

Ronan's appointment went well. He's down to 22lbs again but I don't think that's too bad considering how sick he's been. We headed down to the lab. Xander became more nervous the longer we sat in the waiting room. By the time they called us back he was pretty resistant. I gave him a quick reminder he had to hold still or they might have to redo the poke. Those words straightened him right out.
Tonight I gave my speech and I was very pleased with how it went. I was able to keep from coughing through it and the words came out pretty smoothly. Tonight we found out our SUV needs a new engine. It is our only means of transportation so hopefully we'll figure something out quick. Other than that it's been a good day to have my baby back and with his first tooth half way out.
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